
Love to Joplin!!!

As a fellow Missourian, I was SO excited to see Deedee's post about helping out teachers in Joplin.

When the tornado first hit, many from my area were heading to Joplin to help out and to bring donated supplies.
Here is what little C and I were up to...

We packed lots of bags for our local community center's collection!  Now, months later I am so happy to be able to help again!

If you haven't read Mrs. Wills post, please do!  Thank you to Deedee for sharing this opportunity to help out a fellow teacher...and most importantly, lots of children!



  1. Hi Ashley! This is Katie Mense from Little Warriors. What part of MO are you from??? I couldn't find your contact info-but wanted to let you know about some plans that some STL bloggers are putting together. If you could shoot me an email ASAP, that would be great!!! littlekinderwarriors@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you soon!;)
    Little Warriors

  2. Was wondering if you could tell me what kind of font you use for this page? Thanks!


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