
Preschool Workstations

Happy Monday to all!  Today has been quite the busy day!  Did anyone watch the Bachelor??  I keep telling myself, no more Bachelor…but, I can’t stay away from the drama!  Plus, I gotta know what Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher is referring to when she writes about the Bachelor!  Boy, tonight was full of drama!  Anyhow… the real reason for this post: Preschool Workstations!!!


I recently rearranged my preschool room (check that post out here) and found the perfect place for our new workstations.  I have an almost 4 and an almost 5 year old working with these.  I was finding the need to organize learning activities for them to do {semi} independently. So…here is what I came up with!



Each girl has 6 pull out drawers. All are labeled with their names.  Each drawer is also color coded (see the different colored squares with snowmen?).

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  DSC06264The girls can take out the drawer and take it to the table to work.  After they have completed the drawer they turn in their “Hard Work Money” to the elephant jar.  When all 6 colors of hard work money is turned in they get to pick out of the treasure box!  I found that having a motivational piece (the hard work money) helped the girls try activities they normally might have given the cold shoulder to!

So…What is in the workboxes???

I try to place a good variety activities in the workboxes. Puzzles, art, workpages, learning games, file folder games, easy readers, math manipulatives, fine motor activities and ANYTHING else I can find to make learning fun!


Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Adorable!! What a fun and motivating way to teach! I am totally going to incorporate this into my teaching!

  2. Thank you so much. I love this workstation idea, and I am excited to use it next year in my preschool. I'm just leaving one comment here, but I have used a number of things from your amazing blog. Workstations idea, song rings, classroom jobs, and those beautiful assessment forms! I think you are the most generous person to share your many useful resources to so many teachers. Thanks again!


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