
Pics of our preschool room

Last fall we took the leap and moved to a new home!  We love all the space we now have, including a preschool room for my kiddos and the kids I watch during the day.  When we first moved in, the preschool room was kinda put together quickly.  But, over break I got a chance to make it more of what I had envisioned.


Here is  half of the room.  The little wood table and chair set was made by my late grandpa.  I love having it as a part of everyday routines!  That door you see walks out to the backyard with a swingset :)


Our circle time area is over in the corner.  I tried my best to break up this large space into several different smaller areas.


A view from the circle time area.  The area with the foam mats is the baby area.  We also have a storage closet and a bathroom.


DSC06252DSC06253 Pretend Play Center

This center changes often- right now it has dress up clothes and tea table along side the kitchen.


DSC06254DSC06255 Blocks Center

Lots of different blocks & balls found in the colored tubs.


DSC06257 Library & Sensory Centers

I love this book holder (found at Target several years back).  Our sensory tub is just a regular tub.  My hubby built it up off the ground with PVC pipe (more on that later) so the little ones couldn't access it.

DSC06258 Art Center (at the easel)

I will exchange different mediums and material at the easel throughout the year.  The other side of the easel is a chalkboard.  I bought special pencil pouches to put crayons, markers, scissors and chalk in.  This keeps it from getting in the hands of the babies (who are now crawling)!! 

DSC06259 DSC06260Tub Toys & Music Centers

Our tub toys are just tubs with lots of different toys to choose from.  All tubs have labels with pictures of what goes in the tub.  Makes clean up time a dream!!

DSC06261 Workstations (pull out drawers on top)

My three year old and the four year old in my care will be participating in workstations (more on that to come).

DSC06268 Baby Area

Here is an area just for the sweet little ones.  We hung a mirror that they can pull up to and see themselves.  They have three baskets of various toys and books as well.  The babies are crawling their way out of this area, but it is great to have a place to have baby story and song time (since our circle time area is just a haven for pulling and yanking learning materials off the wallSmile)


Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!  I am very excited about our new space!




  1. Hi Ashley,

    Couldn't find an email so I thought I would post a comment. I am showcasing your blog on my blog! Hope you take a look! And feel free to grab an "I have been Featured" Button!

  2. I think you have the neatest and most unique ideas! I am just amazed at what you have done! Everything is way too cute and seems like such a fun learning environment for kids of all ages! Your forms are very elaborate and detailed and all of your little tid bits are so very cute. Keep up such a fabulous job! I can really tell that you have a huge heart for children of all ages. I keep a few kids in my home as well, just started and am getting it together, but it looks no where near what yours is, what an inspiration! I have lost half a dozen children of my own, no live births, so I figured just enjoy the ones you can be around and love on them! :)


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