
To Preschool I Go!

I am SO excited to have the opportunity to be teaching in a Pre-K classroom 2 days a week starting next school year!  I love teaching and especially LOVE early childhood.  So, needless to say...my mind has been turning with ideas of how I want my new classroom to look and be run.

This post is dedicated to Classroom Jobs.  I wanted every child in my classroom to have their own job each day.  It's a great way to help my student's feel special as well as create responsibility.  So, I have combined a document that includes 20 easy to implement classroom jobs for preschool to kindergarten. 

I wanted to share it in case it sparked the interest of any of you out there!

Download:  20 Easy to Implement Classroom Jobs

Note: More info will be coming on the following jobs: Greeter, Survey Taker, Song Leader, Estimation Jar Helper, News Reporter and Attendance taker.



  1. Congrats! That is exciting! Those kids will be lucky to have you!

    How does it work only being there 2 days a week????

  2. I will be working at a Mother's Day Out Program as the Pre-K teacher on Tues & Thursday. Thank you for your kind words!


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