
More on Classroom Jobs

I recently posted information about 20 Easy to Implement Jobs for Preschool.  If you missed the post, check it out here.  You can find a printable of jobs under the 'Printables' tab at the top.

Today, I will be sharing more about several of the jobs listed in the printable.  First up...

Song Leader:  The Song Leaders job is to choose a well known song for the class to sing together during closing time (or any other free moment during the day).  In my pre-k classroom I plan on using songs on a ring that I have created.  The great thing about using songs on a ring, rather than large poster is songs is the ease of use and storage.  Plus the pictures on each song make them easier to identify.

Get these song rings FREE here.

Estimation Jar Helper: Each morning the estimation jar helper walks the estimation jar around to each student while they take a guess at how many objects are in the jar.  The helper gives them an estimation slip to fill out.  Check out these adorable estimation slips from Fuel the Brain.

Who is going to fill the Estimation Jar?  Well, that is a decision for you to make.  I plan on starting out the year filling it myself.  Then, once students are familiar with the jar I will ask our families to join in!  Don't forget to give your families a maximum number of items to fill it with (that way you will not be counting all day!)  Also, remind them that if it is edible then each item needs to individually wrapped.  Consider making a bulletin board of each students estimation jar contents.  Just put them in a ziploc and hang on a bulletin board next to their name.  You could even tell who the closest guess was!

News Reporter: Another great classroom job is the News Reporter.  Not only does this activity help to better get to know your students, it is a quick and simple way to incorporate shared writing.  First, ask the News Reporter about his or her weekend or something exciting that is going on in his/her life.  Then, you record what the child says.  Use a large piece of chart paper or the News Reporter's Report that I have created.  Read the report back to the class and send it home with the Reporter!
Attendance Taker: The Attendance Taker's job is to walk around the room recording which students are at school and which are not.  Using a clipboard, pencil and the Attendance Sheet the Attendance Taker makes a check in the appropriate column ('at school' and 'not at school') next to each students name.  For this job it might also be helpful to place a picture of each student next to their name before making copies.  This makes it easier for non-readers and at the beginning of the year.

Survey Taker:  A fun job that leads to early math skills!  The Survey Taker's job is to ask each student in the class the same question.   Example: Have you ever rode in an airplane? Then, the survey taker uses the survey to record what each child says.  A great time to do this is before circle time.  Once it is circle time, the Survey Taker presents his/her results to the class.  This is a great time to use comparisons of more/less, least/most. 

Please note: Currently I have 'Getting to Know You', 'Fall' & 'Winter' clipboard surveys available in my Teacher's Notebook shop.

Greeter: A wonderful job to help little ones get to know each other!  The greeter's job is just that-- to greet students and adults in the classroom.  The greeter wears the Greeter Apron.  Each student gets to choose the way they would like to be greeted using the icons on the Greeter Apron.

I have included the printable greetings for the apron.  Just print, cut, laminate and secure to the apron with velcro.  I like using velcro so that if you want to change a greeting you can!  I got this Apron at the Dollar Tree a while back. 



  1. Adorable teaching ideas!! Is there a chance to get any of the song rings you have created?? Every link I go to seems to be down or unava. I am a music teacher and would love them. Much thanks! Heidi Taylor

  2. I love the idea of a classroom greeter and the apron is very cute! Thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. All fantastic ideas! I think that your attendance one helped me figure out what I've been trying to revamp and I'm so grateful! Thank you!
    -Leslie @KindergartenWorks

  5. Hi Ashley!

    I love your post on classroom jobs! I only had four this year and definitely needed more. Often I forgot to change them just so I could avoid hearing "I didn't get that one yet..."

    One of my projects for the summer is to provide a job for each child. I love your greeting's specialist...those are definitely something I want to implement!




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