
{Plastic} Easter Egg Fun!

Plastic Easter Eggs are an Easter staple in our house.  I have fond memories of hiding and hunting the plastic eggs with my best childhood friend.  Even though the eggs had nothing in them at the time, we would spend hours hunting!  So, what else can these cheap plastic eggs be used for besides egg hunts?  Here are a few ideas for helping little one learn:

~ Alphabet Eggs: Program the top of an egg with a lowercase letter and the bottom of the egg with an uppercase letter.  Break them apart and have your child match the lettered eggs!

~Musical Instruments:  Fill with beans, bells, rice or pasta.  Tape shut.  Use a shakers when singing to help keep the beat.

~Name building: Gather enough eggs to spell out your child's name.  With perm. marker write  each letter of your child's name on each egg.  Mix up.  Have your child put the letter of thier name back together.

~Color Matching: Break apart eggs of different colors.  Children match up the correct colors.

~Sound Match: Gather an even number of eggs.  Fill two eggs with one material, such as beans.  Fill two other eggs with a different material, such as cotton balls.  Continue until the desired amount of eggs are created.  To play, children shake each egg and by sound try to match the eggs.

~Begins with...: collect 26 eggs, program each one with an alphabet letter.  Challenge your child to find an object that fits inside of the egg that starts with that letter.  This may need to be done over a period of time.  Or, only fill certain letters.

~Sorting/Graphing: Dump out a bag of eggs. Sort into piles by color.  Graph how many of each color of egg was found in the bag.

~Sizes: Use different sizes of eggs as a fun nesting activity.  Help your child fit smaller eggs inside larger eggs.

~Prediction eggs: Fill several eggs with fun treats, such as a sticker, gold coin, necklace or tattoo (whatever you would like to put in).  For each egg give your child 3 clues.  Such as, it is sticky, it has a bunny on it and you put it on your shirt.  Have your child predict, based on the clues, what is in the egg.

~Playdough circles: open an egg, use half of the egg to make perfect playdough circles.  Create for pretend 'cookies' :)

~Rolling Dice:  Does your child have trouble shaking a dice and rolling it?  Place the dice inside the egg, shake and open.

~Baby Game:  Dump and Pour--  Give your child 3 eggs and a Gerber's Puff container.  Show baby how to fill the container and dump it.  To make the game more challenging add the lid to Puff's container for baby to take off and put on as well.

How do you use Easter eggs for learning??  I would love to hear it!



  1. Love this!

    I use mine all year for color matching. Painted the inside of an egg carton all 6 colors of the rainbow and include eggs of each color to match (red eggs are slightly difficult to find) I also have a little "creature" in each egg of the same color.

  2. Awesome ideas! Care to join us at weekly High paw: http://best-toys-for-toddler.blogspot.com/ would love to have you participate!

  3. Great idea! We use Easter eggs in our classroom for test review questions. The kids LOVE it.

  4. Great ideas....love the alphabet "begins with" activity! We will try that one soon. Thanks for sharing

  5. Hi! Your blog is great - I find you via Raising Memories!
    I'm your new follower :-)
    Thanks for sharing great printables and ideas!

  6. In kinder I have written an onset and rime on the top and bottom of several eggs. The kids draw two halves out of an Easter basket and put them together. If they make a real word, they get to keep the egg. If they make a nonsense word, they have to put it back! For example, they might draw "c" and "at". Then they get to keep the egg! But "d" and "at" go back in the basket!

    I've also cut up the letters of their name (or any other words we're learning) and hidden them inside an egg. They have to rearrange the letters to spell out their name.


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