
Dental Health Month

February is Dental Health Month!

At preschool we celebrated by...

** Reading books about teeth and going to the dentist

** Sorting foods that are healthy for our teeth and foods that are not healthy for our teeth.

(I got these great pictures ready to print and sort from a blog.  I now cannot find the blog or post!  If you know where they came from, please let me know...I would love to give credit!!!)

** We painted with toothbrushes.  This was a BIG hit with my preschoolers.  I gave them the 3 primary colors and they practiced mixing and making new colors.  If we would have had more time, I would have loved to paint with floss as well.

** We also created BIG mouths with teeth showing.  I got the printable from the Mailbox Magazine.  We added white glitter to the teeth to make them sparkle.  I am sorry I did not get a picture of this :(

Here are some great Dental Health ideas and printables from some of my favorite blogs:

--Monkeying Around: Dental Health Resources

-- Musings of Me: Dental Health Unit (this unit is huge and is FREE!)

--Preschool Playbook:  More great Dental Health ideas!

--What the Teacher Wants: a 'tiny miny unit' on Dental Health


Do you have a posting or printable on Dental Health?  Please share with us in the comments below!



  1. It's great that there are now new techniques and facilities to help patients feel at ease during any dental procedure.

  2. This is my first visit here. I found some really interesting stuff in your blog especially this discussion. Keep up the good work.


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